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The Third Journal




Welcome to the autumn journal, updating you on recent activity and news from Coverham Church.

First of all, please keep connected by visiting our new Friends of Coverham Church Instagram account, giving little updates and current chat from the Dale.

Secondly, we have some exciting dates for your diary:

Critically acclaimed “This is my Theatre” company’s production of “A Christmas Carol”.  7th December, 7pm at Coverham Church.  Advise early booking using the link

Christmas Candlelit Carol Service  – 17th December, 6.00pm

The Wild Coverdale Flower Festival – 31st May - 2nd June, 2024 more details in January.

NGS Coverham Abbey Open Garden (with FCC homemade teas) – 3rd August, 2024 more details in January.

As part of the overall development of the churchyard, including fencing and arborial work, we are very happy that the new Coverham benches have arrived!

Handmade in Herefordshire from Tom’s Yard, they were delivered, installed and safely secured by Simon Muir.

All of this made possible by your kind donations and support, thank you so much.

flowers on bench

bench-outside-coverham-church-1   dog-sat-next-to-circular-bench-1

A migrant bird – Betty Hogg

If I could be a migrant bird and sound of limb

And strong of wing,

I’d take a look around the world and be back here

In time for Spring.

I’d follow where my dreaming calls and seek a

Sunlit tropic shore,

I’d see the great Niagra Falls and hear their

Mighty cascades roar.

The Canadian Rockies I would see, the South Sea

Islands and Fiji,

Then swiftly I would fly away to seek the

Towering Himalay.

The Holy Land would beckon me to rest beside

Blue Galilee,

Then on to Bethleham I’d go and spend a while

In Jericho.

O’er jungle, forest, mountain, plain, it’s time

For heading home again,

I’ve travelled far and lingered long and I must

Sing my Springtime song.

To greet the Spring I must not fail, within

My lovely Coverdale.


‘Til next time…….


